Sep19 News Liveblog of Hong Qu: “Keepr: Algorithm for Extracting Entities, Eyewitnesses and Amplifiers”
Oct11 Podcasts Podcast: Kelley Kreitz, “Yellow Journalism as Civic Media?: Rewiring an Experiment with Nineteenth-Century News”
Jun01 Theses A Proposal for a Code of Ethics for Collaborative Journalism in the Digital Age: The Open Park Code
Apr10 PodcastsVideos Video and podcast, “Adapting Journalism to the Web” with Jay Rosen and Ethan Zuckerman
Feb09 Podcasts Podcast: Otto Santa Anna, “Contemporary Network Television News Reporting About Latinos: Successes, Failures, and a Range of Proposals to Correct Its Limitations”
Dec16 Podcasts Podcast: Ian Bogost, “The Cartoonist and the Whaler: Notes on the Future of Journalism and Other Media”