Kaelan Doyle-Myerscough is a writer and academic. They graduated in June 2016 with a Bachelor of Arts with honors in East Asian Studies at McGill University, and wrote their thesis on competitive online gaming communities of the popular franchise Pokémon. Their research interests include transnational new media industries, fan cultures, and emergent forms of academic creation and expression.
Kaelan's published work includes an essay on intertextuality between online communities, social activism and Jia Zhangke’s 2013 film
A Touch of Sin; a comic/manga adaptation of excerpts from Kathleen Stewart’s
Ordinary Affects; and (forthcoming) an essay on resonances between Homer’s Iliad and the 2013 TV series Hannibal. In her free time, Kaelan enjoys writing, drawing, video games, and spur-of-the-moment crafting projects.
Intimate Worlds: Reading for Intimate Affects in Contemporary Video Games