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OUTPUT: An Anthology of Computer-Generated Text, 1953-2023

OUTPUT - An Anthology of Computer-Generated Text, 1953-2023
Edited by Lillian-Yvonne Bertram and Nick Montfort
MIT Press and Counterpath Press, 2024

An anthology of seven decades of English-language outputs from computer generation systems, chronicling the vast history of machine-written texts created long before ChatGPT.

The discussion of computer-generated text has recently reached a fever pitch but largely omits the long history of work in this area—text generation, as it happens, was not invented yesterday in Silicon Valley. This anthology, Output, thoughtfully selected, introduced, and edited by Lillian-Yvonne Bertram and Nick Montfort, aims to correct that omission by gathering seven decades of English-language texts produced by generation systems and software. The outputs span many different types of creative writing and include text generated by research systems, along with reports and utilitarian texts, representing many general advances and experiments in text generation.

Output is first and foremost a collection of outputs to be encountered by readers. In addition to an overall introduction, each of the excerpts is introduced individually and organized by fine-grain genre including conversations, humor, letters, poetry, prose, and sentences. Bibliographic references allow readers to learn more about outputs and systems that intrigue them. Although Output could serve as a reference book, it is designed to be readable and to be read. Purposefully excluded are human–computer collaborations that were conceptually defined but not implemented as a computer system.

Copublished by Counterpath Press

For sale at MIT Press

Nick Montfort
Written by
Nick Montfort

Nick Montfort, professor of digital media, uses computation to develop literary art. His work includes more than ten computer-generated print books (from seven presses), the collaborations The Deletionist and Sea and Spar Between, and Memory Slam: Batch-Era Text Generation. His most recent book of poetry is human-authored but written under constraint: All the Way for the Win (Penteract Press, 2025) consists entirely of three-letter words. Among Montfort’s MIT Press books are The Future and two co-edited volumes, The New Media Reader and Output: An Anthology of Computer-Generated Text, 1953–2023. He’s also principal investigator in the University of Bergen’s Center for Digital Narrative. He directs a lab/studio, The Trope Tank. For more, see Nick’s site, nickm.com.

Nick Montfort Written by Nick Montfort