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Long-form Journalism: Inside The Atlantic

MIT Building 66, Room 110 25 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

James Fallows and Corby Kummer of The Atlantic chart the journey of a major feature story from conception to publication and speculate about the future of long-form journalism in the digital age.

“The Hunt for Vulcan”: Tom Levenson on his new book, at the MIT Museum

MIT Museum 314 Main Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

100 years after the publication of Einstein's general theory of relativity, MIT professors Tom Levenson and David Kaiser discuss Levenson's new book, The Hunt for Vulcan. Learn how Einstein used his understanding of gravity to prove the non-existence of a planet.

Einstein, Mercury, and the Hunt for Vulcan

MIT Building 4, Room 231 Cambridge, MA, United States

In this talk, Tom Levenson asks why it took more than 50 years -- until Einstein's general theory of relativity -- for science to change its mind about the existence of an unseen planet.