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Visual Representations of Race and Gender: Analyzing “Me” in #IfTheyGunnedMeDown on Tumblr

MIT Building 56, Room 114 Access via 21 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Jenny Korn uses critical race theories and intersectional feminist theories to analyze the visual and textual content of the blog #IfTheyGunnedMeDown to reveal constructions of social justice, respectability politics, media biases, racial stereotypes, viral popularity, and hashtag activism on Tumblr.

Ordinary Violence and Network Form: On #blacklivesmatter

MIT Building 56, Room 114 Access via 21 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Scott C. Richmond argues that what is at stake in #blacklivesmatter is a Black political form that is also an emphatically network form, operating below, beyond, and to the side of what can be practiced, grasped at the level of the individual, of intention, and of representation.