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Danielle Keats Citron: “Hate Crimes in Cyberspace”

MIT Building 4, Room 231 Cambridge, MA, United States

Danielle Keats Citron exposes the startling extent of personal cyber-attacks and proposes practical, lawful ways to prevent and punish online harassment.

Global Internet Development Viewed Through the Net Vitality Lens

MIT Building 4, Room 231 Cambridge, MA, United States

Unlike other comparative studies that rank countries quantitatively based on a simplistic assessment of broadband speeds, Stuart Brotman's Net Vitality Index measures countries qualitatively to determine how well they are performing in a global competitive environment.

A Conversation with Guy Maddin

MIT Building 56, Room 114 Access via 21 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

In a conversation with William Uricchio, Maddin will discuss why we should bother digging up filmic and narrative memories from oblivion.

Platforms in the Public Interest: Lessons from Minitel

MIT Building 56, Room 114 Access via 21 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

After thirty years in service, Minitel offers a wealth of data for thinking about internet policy and an alternative model for the internet's future: a public platform for private innovation.