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10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10

Cover of 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10

The phenomenon of creative computing and the way computer programs exist in culture, through one line of code.

For sale at MIT Press.

By Nick MontfortPatsy BaudoinJohn BellIan BogostJeremy DouglassMark C. MarinoMichael MateasCasey ReasMark Sample and Noah Vawter

This book takes a single line of code–the extremely concise BASIC program for the Commodore 64 inscribed in the title–and uses it as a lens through which to consider the phenomenon of creative computing and the way computer programs exist in culture. The authors of this collaboratively written book treat code not as merely functional but as a text–in the case of 10 PRINT, a text that appeared in many different printed sources–that yields a story about its making, its purpose, its assumptions, and more. They consider randomness and regularity in computing and art, the maze in culture, the popular BASIC programming language, and the highly influential Commodore 64 computer.

All royalties from the sale of this book are being donated to the Electronic Literature Organization, a nonprofit organization to advance work with important literary aspects that takes advantage of the capabilities and contexts provided by the stand-alone or networked computer. The ELO helps to collect, preserve, describe, and discuss aesthetic and poetic work, from long-form projects to short programs such as 10 PRINT.

Nick Montfort
Written by
Nick Montfort

Nick Montfort, professor of digital media, uses computation to develop literary art. His work includes more than ten computer-generated print books (from seven presses), the collaborations The Deletionist and Sea and Spar Between, and Memory Slam: Batch-Era Text Generation. His most recent book of poetry is human-authored but written under constraint: All the Way for the Win (Penteract Press, 2025) consists entirely of three-letter words. Among Montfort’s MIT Press books are The Future and two co-edited volumes, The New Media Reader and Output: An Anthology of Computer-Generated Text, 1953–2023. He’s also principal investigator in the University of Bergen’s Center for Digital Narrative. He directs a lab/studio, The Trope Tank. For more, see Nick’s site, nickm.com.

Nick Montfort Written by Nick Montfort