Pre-register on WebSIS and attend first class.
Level: G, 3 units, Standard A – F Grading
Offered during IAP, this workshop is designed to improve the student’s ability to communicate technical information. The workshop covers the basics of working with sources, including summarizing and paraphrasing, synthesizing source materials, citing, quoting, and avoiding plagiarism. It also covers how to write an abstract and a literature review. This class is reserved for students who are required by their departments to take the class based on their performance on the Graduate Writing Exam. No one else may take this class.
Sections meet twice weekly, culminating in a final essay submitted during the last week of IAP. Attendance is an important part of 21W.794. As such, students must attend at least 5 of the 7 class sessions, along with turning in all required work, to receive credit and pass the course.
Students will be sent a section selection survey once they pre-register for 21W.794.
IAP 2025 21W.794 sections:
- Monday/Wednesday 7-9 PM (online)
- Tuesday/Thursday 10 AM – 12 PM (online)
- Tuesday/Thursday 12 – 2 PM (may be offered online or in person, based on student demand)
- Tuesday/Thursday 2-4 PM (in person, taught in E17-136)
- Tuesday/Thursday 7-9 PM (online)
Grading is A-F but you may elect to use the graduate p/d/f option. No rescheduling is possible. NO LISTENERS.
Contact: WRAP, E18-228, x3-0650, wrap@MIT.EDU